Військова наука
Охорона Праці

Exercise 10. Read the text and answer the questions about it.

Isaac Newton (1642 — 1727) was born in England. Newton set modern physics on its feet by deriving laws showing how objects move on the Earth and in space, and by finding the law that describes gravity. For many years he developed his ideas about the nature of motion and about gravitation. In order to derive them mathematically, he invented calculus. Newton long withheld publishing his results, possibly out of shyness. Finally, Edmond Halley, whose name we associate with the famous comet, persuaded Newton to publish his works. A few years later, in 1687, the «Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica» (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) was published. He built the first reflecting telescope in 1668, and used it to study how the planets move.

Newton's most intellectually fertile years were those right after his graduation from college when he returned home to the country. Newton was a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, later in life went into government service. His tomb in Westminster Abbey bears the epitaph: «Mortals, congratulate yourselves that so great a man has lived for the honor of the human race». Newton made many discoveries that are part of modern science. Even now scientists still refer to «Newton's laws of motion», «Newtonian telescopes», «Newton's laws of gravitation». Scientists measure the force due to gravity in units called newtons.


1. What is the best title for the passage?

a. Newtonian telescope

b. Great invention

c. Isaac Newton

d. Edmond Halley


2. According to the author, Newton worked most productively

a. as a professor at Cambridge University

b. during his government service

c. while studying at college

d. right after graduation from college


3. It can be inferred from the passage that Isaac Newton

a. did not publish Principia in 1687

b. published his works together with Halley

c. wanted to publish his works as soon as possible

d. was probably a modest person


4. According to the passage Isaac Newton build his reflecting telescope at the age of

a. 40

b. 26

c. 28

d. 36


5. The passage was probably written by a specialist in

a. geology

b. geography

c. ecology

d. astronomy


Chapter 10

Exercise 11. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for it.


1. We really need to advance this technology.

a. approach

b. improve

c. reproduce

d. realize


2. There is no shortage of these materials.

a. abundance

b. need

c. analogue

d. lack


3. Nylon is a versatile material.

a. is very useful

b. is indispensable

c. has many different uses

d. has very few uses


4. I'm accustomed to getting up early.

a. used to

b. not used to

c. interested in

d. capable of


5. That's a very sound suggestion.

a. silly

b. strange

c. reasonable

d. timely


6. I feel like studying tonight.

a. don't like

b. don't need

c. don't mind

d. don't want


7. He says he can't bear being shouted at.

a. can't resist

b. can't stand

c. can't forgive

d. can't thank for


8. You can rely on my doing it.

a. find out

b. insist on

c. object to

d. count on


9. We all share corporate responsibility.

a. collective

b. government

c. partial

d. this


Chapter 10 179

10. He admitted the intrinsic merits of my idea.

a. innovative

b. intriguing

c. inherent

d. valuable


11. Ballet originated in Italy in the 1400s.

a. coexisted with

b. developed in

c. began in

d. brought about


12. Ultimately, the success of the product depends on good marketing.

a. in the beginning

b. in the end

c. usually

d. from time to time



Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.

Thomas Edison


Chapter 10

UNscientifically speaking...


It doesn't matter if something I buy turns out to be a mistake and unreturnable, because three years ago I found fifty dollars on the street, so THAT BALANCES EVERYTHING OUT!


Chapter 11 181

Chapter 11

Focus on:



DOs and DON'Ts for Young Scientists On Innovators and Innovations


Grammar: Emphasis


Chapter 11

Text A Read the text and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

DOs and DON'Ts may be defined as the rules of behavior. They are meant to emphasize certain points that might be useful.   1. DO relate what you are doing to the overall system or project objective. Make it your business to understand how your part of a project fits into the system being designed and what mission or objective that system is tryingto accomplish. Putting it another
way, try to understand the big picture. There are two reasons for doing this. It makes your job more interesting and exciting and it may suggest a simpler, better approach to your part of work. There are hundreds of to accomplish — to succeed in doing something; to finish successfully Synonym: to achieve укр. здійснювати, завершувати
cases where someone completed the assigned part of a larger system, and, after learning the overall objective, pointed out a much better way to accomplish the same objective. If the people around you are too busy, try asking the boss at a lunchtime to tell you «a little more about how you fit into overall program». Thus, DON'T be afraid to challenge the planned way of doing something or to propose a new way. 2. DO give credit to others for their ideas and contributions.   It's the right, ethical and professional thing to do. Your listeners or readers will be more comfortable and impressed knowing you have explored the field. They will also assume that the work not credited to others is yours. Furthermore, the persons receiving the credit will respect you and be more likely to share their other new thoughts with you. Within a group, such behavior
is oftencrucial to effective cooperation. To give emphasis and add a bit of fun, identify a particularly original idea with the originator's name: «Johnson's Chart», «Harris Technique». crucial (to, for) — of deciding importance укр. вирішальний
3. DO keep learning.   DO join professional society. DO read articles and books, use the library, and attend professional meetings. Set up a requirement of reading at least one scientific paper a week. Select difficult ones. If you don't understand the paper, ask others. DON'T give up. DO write papers. It's hard and takes time and discipline, but it's important for you and your profession. DO document your work. Write it down. In his book on computers and hackers, «The Cuckoo's Egg», Cliff Stoll quotes the Astronomer'sRule of Thumb: «If you didn'trule of thumb — укр. емпіричне правило write it down, it didn't happen». DO become a «local» expert in some area, even if it's a fairly narrow one. 4. DO plan and schedule your work.   Make a detailed plan of all you must do to finish the job. As someone said: «Plan the work, then work the plan». Assume complete responsibility for your own career. Develop and maintain a strategic plan from Day One. This plan is mandatory for judging your career progress. 5. DO develop a thorough understanding of entrepreneurship and practical business knowledge.   Get yourself involved in seeking solutions to some problems of real importance (education, health care etc.). DO try to understand the user and his or her needs. 6. DO learn to express yourself clearly in speech and writing.


Chapter 11 183

1. What is meant by DOs and DON'Ts?


2. What is the role of emphaticdo in this text?


3. Indicate the elements of the text that show the author's recommendations, as well as the most categorical statements.


4. What is the purpose of citing in this passage?


5. What is specific about each piece of advice? Why is it important to follow them?

Exercise 1. Give English equivalents of:

завершувати проект; кращий шлях; посилатися на праці; бути вирішальним для ефективної співпраці; бути спеціалістом у досить вузькій галузі; планувати роботу; розробляти стратегічний план; розв'язувати справді важливі проблеми; підприємництво.


Exercise 2. Give Ukrainian equivalents of:


to emphasize the point; to fit into overall project (system); to challenge the planned way of doing something; to explore the field; to share thoughts and ideas; crucial factor; to assume responsibility; to judge the progress; entrepreneurship.


Exercise 3. Render the following passage into Ukrainian.


How to Speak in Public

Be prepared


ü Find out why you are there, what is expected of you, how much time you have.

ü Note down the points you want to make. Don't try to memorize a whole speech — key words on index cards are often useful.

ü Check and double-check technical equipment (microphones, slide projectors, visual presenters etc.). Make sure you know where the power switch is.


What you say


ü Say what you need to say as clearly as possible. Repeat key phrases/points at the end.

ü Any new information you can incorporate into your speech such as recent statistics, will help to keep your audience interested. However, be careful not to base your whole talk on statistics and/or background information. Tell them something they don't already know. At the end of your talk ask if there are any questions. You can be sure that if you speak effectively, people will remember you.

Coping with nerves


ü Take a couple of deep breaths before starting. Think of professional achievements you are proud of and keep it at the back of your mind.

ü Speak clearly and smile. Keep your body relaxed and use controlled gestures and pauses for emphasis.


Chapter 11



Emphasis (intensification) may be signaled in various ways including special stress, intonation, grammar patterns, choice of words etc.


Emphatic DO дієслово — підсилювач Reflexive pronoun after noun зворотний займенник після іменника Double negation подвійне заперечення It is/was ... that/who It was not until ... that   This theorydoes hold. Ця теорія єдійсно справедливою. Itdid seem strange. Цесправді видавалося дивним.   Science itself proceeds from the known (dull) to the unknown (interesting). Власне наука йде від відомого (нецікавого) до невідомого (цікавого).   The case isnot improbable. Випадок є ймовірним(не є неймовірним). It isnot that we are doingnothing about this problem. Ми вживаємо певні заходи стосовно цієї проблеми (невірно, що минічого не робимо).   It was professor Johnsonwho delivered a lecture last week. Саме професор Джонсон прочитав лекцію минулого тижня. It is this theorythat is of interest to us. Саме ця теорія цікавить нас. It was not until 1895that Popov invented radio. I лише у 1895 р. Попов винайшов радіо
NOTE Важливовідрізняти цю конструкцію від безособових зворотів типу It is believed It is known It is interesting It is (not) surprising  


IS or ARE?
Itwas the student Itwas the students who helped us


not only ... but also ... both ... and...   either ... or ... neither ... nor ... hardly ... scarcely ... He visitednot only Washington,but also New York. Він відвідав не тільки Вашінгтон, але також i Нью-Йорк. Або: Не visitedboth Washingtonand New York. Neither my fathernor I were there. Ані мій батько, ані я не були там. It'seither blackor white. Колір або чорний, або білий. Hardly/Scarcely had they arrived when they had to leave again. Ледве (тільки-но) вони приїхали, i повинні знову їхати.


Chapter 11 185

Inversion Інверсія — непрямий порядок слів Double inversion Подвійна інверсія (на початку речення — складний присудок, виражений дієприкметником I або II, іменником з прийменником або прикметником)   Emphatic words емфатичні слова (слова-підсилювачі)   really, indeed     certainly, only, even, so, such, too, very, extremely, intensely, just;   *as much as ,*as late (early) as та подібні   *well + verb I will never go there (прямий порядок слів) Never will I go there (непрямий порядок слів). Я ніколи не піду туди. Not once did they try. Вони не спробували жодного разу. Little do we know! Як же мало ми знаємо! I can't do it.Neither can I. Він не може цього зробити. Я також. They didn't inform us about the conference. Nor did they sent the invitations. Вони не пов1домили нас про конференцію. Вони також: не надіслали запрошень. Isn't it interesting! Як цікаво! Presented in a picture is a scheme. На малюнку показана схема. Confirming this theory is another fact. Цю теорію стверджує ще один факт. Of importance is his point of view. Його точка зору має важливе значення.   Неalone can help us.Only he can help us. Тільки (лише) він може допомогти нам. Even under such conditions will the reaction proceed. Навіть за таких умов відбувається ця реакція. So much work, andso little time! Так багато роботи, i так мало часу! Such an interesting idea! Яка цікава ідея! The task istoo difficult. Завдання надто складне. Imaginethe very idea! Тільки уявіть coбi власне ідею! It'sjust a matter of time. Це справа лише часу. I really want to help you. Я справді хочу допомогти вам. You maywell agree with them. Ви можете цілком погодитися з ними. The discovery was madeas early as XVIII century. Це відкриття зробили ще у XVIII столітті.

Chapter 11

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