Військова наука
Охорона Праці

Exercise 7 read the text and find the information you liked most


Exercise 7 read the text and find the information you liked most


Japan's first robot (i.e., automatic device) was invented many centuries ago. In a collection of stories written in the early 12th century, called Konjaku Monogatari Shu, we can read about a device made by Kaya-no-Miko. The device poured water into paddy fields during dry periods of the year. Actually, this "robot" did not do the pumping -peasants would pour water into its bowl, and when the bowl reached a certain weight the "robot" would move, tipping the water into the field. This mechanical fellow provided an opportunity for peasants to have fun competing with each other while irrigating their fields.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, robot-like puppets called karakuri-ningyo developed to a remarkably high technological level, all for the sake of amuse­ment.

These "robots" also performed on floats during folk festivals. Even today, you can see them at the Takayama Festival in Takayama, Gifu Prefecture. It is interesting to note here that, according to an oldsuperstition, the puppets moved because a god or spirit had entered them, and this human-like move­ment showed that they were even more quick-witted than people were.

The first true robot was developed in Japan in 1927, using Western tech­nology. He could smile, flutter his eyes, and write. His name was Gautensoku, which means, "learning from divine reason". Here, too, we see how robots were thought to have a superhuman potential for quick thinking.

Exercise 8 Are these sentences True or False

1. The first robot in Japan was used to irrigate the fields.

2. Nowadays robot-like puppets are not used in Japan.

3. The robots moved because a spirit had entered them.

4. In 1945 Japan gave many technological ideas to the USA.

5. All the robots are cold and impersonal.

6. People were afraid that robots could harm them.

Exercise 10 Find in the text underlined words and match them with the definition below

personal opinion

· work together, produce an effect on each other

· a thing specially favoured thought out

· a belie above others

· an instrument that is cleverly f which is based on association of ideas

· enjoyment• Listen to the text again and cross the numerals the speaker doesn't use.

May, 11,1999

5,000; 1899; June 1; 1999; 3000; 20; 40; 2,000; 10,000; 14; 13,000; February, 2000;

30,000; 50,000; 1970; 1980; 1990.

V. Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 7 Тексерілді:

3 11 сынып September 8,13


Сабақтың тақырыбы: Recycling

Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушылардың грамматикалық білімдерін қайталай отырып бекіту.

Сабақ әдісі: сұрақ-жауап

Көрнекілігі: Грамматикалық таблица

Сабақ барысы:

III. Ұйымдастыру

А) greeting

Б) conversation

II. оқу мақсатын алға қою.



13. Complete this true story. Put in a/an or the.


When the story first mentions something the noun has a/an.

A girl booked into anold hotel.

These phrases are new information. We don't know which girl or which hotel. But when the same thing is mentioned again, the noun has the. The girl didn't like thehotel. These phrases are old information. Now we know which girl and which hotel. They were mentioned earlier. We usethewhen it's clear which one
we are talking man was spending month in foreign country. He booked in hotel in beautiful old town. Then he went out to walk around town. But man couldn't return to hotel — he got lost. When he was walking around he noticed post -office. He had nice idea!!! He entered post office and made telephone call to his wife. He learnt from his wife name of hotel. Luckily, he had sent telegram writing the full address of place he was staying!

Exercise 15. Report the following statements and questions

1. "I love milk" said Talgat.

2. "Do you grow vegetables, Jane?" Julia asked.

3. "We are having a party tomorrow" he said.

4. "What are you thinking about?" Mary asked me.

5. "Kuralai went to France, she took her daughter with her" she said.

6. "Have you tidied your room?" the father asked.

7. "I don't think you'll be there long" he said.

h) "Where did you leave your umbrella?" Jim asked Peter.


*In Reported statement the verb form moves one tense back.

I'm reading. He said he was reading.

She's gone. He said she had gone.

She went to Europe He said she had gone to Europe.

The Past Simple and the Present Perfect both change to the Past Perfect.

*ln Reported questions the word order is not the same as in Direct questions.

"What are you doing?" He asked me what I was doing.

*ln Reported questions the rule is also one tense back. If there is no question word, "IF" is used in general questions.

Did you see Ann? He asked me if I had seen Ann.

Үйге тапсырма: грамматикалық ережені қайталау

Бағалау. Тексерілді:



Сабақтың тақырыбы: The first flight.

Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта

отырып, жаңа мәтінмен жұмыс істеу

Еңбекті сүюге тәрбиелеу

Оқушылардың мәдени әдеби өй-өрісін


Сабақәдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі: Грамматикалық таблица

Пән аралық байланыс: Орыс тілі


Сабақ барысы:

IV. Ұйымдастыру

А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “The first flight.”.

III. Жаңа сабақ

Exercise 1 Work in pairs and discuss what the words given below mean.

The earth , hot-air balloon, birds .envy-қызғаныш , gasses, basket, balloon

Exercise 4 . Read the text "How a Balloon Flies" and find answers to the questions given

A balloon flies because the widely separated molecules of a thin gas such as hydrogen or helium, or of the heated air that expands inside the bag, are less dense and thus lighter than those of the air outside the bag. In attempting to rise or escape from its confinement(қамалу), thebuoyant(қалқығыш) lightweight gas or heated air lifts the balloon along with it.

Normally, when something soars([so:]қалықтау) skyward, it does so by virtue(күш[vә:tju:]) of its aero­dynamic design. Like an airplane, it is lifted by the effect of outside forces, usually wind, upon its surface. It does not soar because it is lighter than the surrounding atmosphere. Even afeature(ерекшелік) in the breeze is an aerodynamic form. It flies solely (тек қана) by the force of air currents playing upon it. If the breeze stops, the feather(қауырсын) slowly floats to earth.

On the other hand, a balloon's buoyancy is static, not dependent on a dynamic force such as wind or motor. A balloon rises because it is filled with gas or heated air that is thinner indensity(тығыздық) and thus lighter in weight than the surrounding atmosphere.

Because of this static, or self-sustaining(ұстап тұру) lift, a balloon is sometimes called anaerostat, and the science of ballooning, aerostation. Balloonists also may be called aeronauts, from the Greek words aero (of the air) and nautes (sailor).

IV. Пысықтау

Exercise 3 Answer the questions

How does a balloon fly?

What is it filled with?

Who are aeronauts?

Who are balloonists?


5. Exercise 6 Guess the meanings of the underlined words in the sentences taken from the text.

a) heated air lifts the balloon along with it.

b) it is lifted by the effect of outside forces usually wind

3. If the breeze stops, the feather slowly floats to the earth.

4. The pilot may be referred to as an aeronaut or a balloonist.


VI. Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 7

5 11 сынып September 15,20

Сабақтың тақырыбы: The first flight.

Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта

отырып, жаңа мәтінмен жұмыс істеу

Еңбекті сүюге тәрбиелеу

Оқушылардың мәдени әдеби өй-өрісін


Сабақәдісі: Сұрақ-жауапTest yorself

Сабақ типі: Жаңа білімді меңгертуTest yorself

Көрнекілігі: Грамматикалық таблица

Пән аралық байланыс: Орыс тілі


Сабақ барысы:

V. Ұйымдастыру

А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “The first flight”

III. Жаңа сабақ


To sound, strange, ghost, absolutely, to terrify, whole, half, to feel, extremely, argument, angry,suddenly

V.Бекіту Ex14 p19

VI. Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 15 p 20


6 11 сынып September 21

Сабақтың тақырыбы: The first flight.

Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта

отырып, жаңа мәтінмен жұмыс істеу

Еңбекті сүюге тәрбиелеу

Оқушылардың мәдени әдеби өй-өрісін


Сабақәдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі: Грамматикалық таблица

Пән аралық байланыс: Орыс тілі


Сабақ барысы:

VI. Ұйымдастыру

А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “The first flight.”.

III. Жаңа сабақ

Exercise 1 Work in pairs and discuss what the words given below mean.

The earth , hot-air balloon, birds .envy ,tragic, gasses, basket, balloon

Exercise 4 . Read the text "How a Balloon Flies" and find answers to the questions given

A balloon flies because the widely separated molecules of a thin gas such as hydrogen or helium, or of the heated air that expands inside the bag, are less dense and thus lighter than those of the air outside the bag. In attempting to rise or escape from its confinement, the buoyant lightweight gas or heated air lifts the balloon along with it.

Normally, when something soars skyward, it does so by virtue of its aero­dynamic design. Like an airplane, it is lifted by the effect of outside forces, usually wind, upon its surface. It does not soar because it is lighter than the surrounding atmosphere. Even a feature in the breeze is an aerodynamic form. It flies solely by the force of air currents playing upon it. If the breeze stops, the feather slowly floats to earth.

On the other hand, a balloon's buoyancy is static, not dependent on a dynamic force such as wind or motor. A balloon rises because it is filled with gas or heated air that is thinner in density and thus lighter in weight than the surrounding atmosphere.

Because of this static, or self-sustaining lift, a balloon is sometimes called an aerostat, and the science of ballooning, aerostation. Balloonists also may be called aeronauts, from the Greek wordsaero (of the air) and nautes (sailor).

IV. Пысықтау

Exercise 3 Answer the questions

How does a balloon fly?

What is it filled with?

Who are aeronauts?

Who are balloonists?


5. Exercise 6 Guess the meanings of the underlined words in the sentences taken from the text.

a) heated air lifts the balloon along with it.

b) it is lifted by the effect of outside forces usually wind

3. If the breeze stops, the feather slowly floats to the earth.

4. The pilot may be referred to as an aeronaut or a balloonist.


VI. Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 7

September 22,27

7 11 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Television

Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушылардың телидидар туралы сөздік

қорын молайта отырып, жаңа мәтінмен

жұмыс істеу

Еңбекті сүюге тәрбиелеу

Оқушылардың мәдени әдеби өй-өрісін


Сабақәдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі: Грамматикалық таблица

Пән аралық байланыс: Орыс тілі


Сабақ барысы:

I. Ұйымдастыру

А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “Television”.

III. Жаңа сабақ

Мәтінмен жумыс істеу

Who Invented Television?

A Scotsman, John Baird, invented the first TV in 1926, but his system could not broadcast1 sound and image at the same time. To get around this problem, he first showed a televised 2 picture of Gracie Fields, a famous singer, and then he played her voice 3 without the image. Baird also demonstrated the first colour television in Britain in 1928. But it was Vladimir Zworykin, a Russian engineer living in the United States, who invented modern television technology. Zworykin built a TV camera that broke down a picture into thousands of light cells that could be transmitted 5 on a radio wave 6; thistechnology is used worldwide today.

Сөздік жумыс

1 broadcast ['bro:dkast] — передавать по радио; 2 televise ['telivaiz] — показывать по телевидению; 3 voice — голос; 4 cell — ячейка, элемент; 5 transmit [,tranz'mit] — сооб­щать, передавать; 6 wave — волна.

IV. Пысықтау


Exercise 10 read the text and answer to the questions

VI. Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 10



8 11 сынып September 28

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Television

Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушылардың “Television” тақырыбы

бойынша оқушылардың білімін бекіту

Еңбекті сүюге тәрбиелеу

Оқушылардың мәдени әдеби өй-өрісін


Сабақәдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Бекіту

Көрнекілігі: Грамматикалық таблица

Пән аралық байланыс: Орыс тілі


Сабақ барысы:

I. Ұйымдастыру

А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “Television”.


Exercise 10. Read the questions below. See if you know answers to them.

1. What invention was very important and necessary before television could be developed?

2. Why were early televisions limited to black and white?

3. When did colour television broadcasts begin in the United States ?

4. What is the relationship between satellites and television broadcasts?

Exercise 11 Read the text and find the answers to your questions



Exercise 25, Translate into English:

1. Тамыздың біріне дейін біз емтихандарымызды тапсырып боламыз. 2. жылдың аяғындабіздің танысқанымызға 5 жыл болады. 3. Сағат 6-ға карая аударманы бітіремін. 4. Теңіздіңжағасына жеткенше, талай жер жаяу жүремін. Ертең осы уақытқа карай әкеміз Мәскеугежетеді. 6. Сен бүл кітапты осы айді дейін оқып боласың ба? 7. 2008 жылдың аяғына дейін бізУниверситетті бітіреміз. Концерт аяқталғанша келмейсіз бе? Бізді үйге кім апарады?

VI. Үйге тапсырма

Сөйлем қурастыру Тексерілді:

9 11 сынып September 29, October 4

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Birth of the moon

Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта

отырып жаңа мәтінмен жумыс істеу

Оқушылардың білімге қуштарлығын


Оқушылардың мәдени әдеби өй-өрісін


Сабақәдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі: Грамматикалық таблица

Пән аралық байланыс: астрономия


Сабақ барысы:

I. Ұйымдастыру

А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “Birth of the moon”.

III.Жаңа сабақ


Talk to your classmates about what you know about the Moon and how it originated. In the first column write some of these things.

2. In the second column write things students in the class would like to know about the Moon.

VI. Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 2 Тексерілді:


10 11 сынып October 5

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Birth of the moon

Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта

отырып жаңа мәтінмен жумыс істеу

Оқушылардың білімге қуштарлығын


Ойлау, есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту

Сабақәдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі: Грамматикалық таблица

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:

I. Ұйымдастыру

А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “Birth of the moon”.

III.Жаңа сабақ

Read the text and say what you think about school holidays and why you like them:

Summer Holidays

You are back in school for a new year, ready to work in classrooms, laboratories and workshops. But you are still thinking about the summer that has gone. Do you remember how many times you have talked about summer holidays?

"Oh, very many," you think, "but there is always something new to tell your classmates and to hear from them."

You are right, of course, because every year the summer holidays are different. Three years ago, for example, you went to the seaside with your parents. A year later you were glad to go to a summer camp and last year the greater part of your holidays was spent in the country.

When you come back to school in September, you are interested to learn from other boys and girls how they spent their summer holidays. Each school student may have his own story to tell about his work on a farm, about an interesting trip, about life in a summer camp or sport camp or in the country.

All holidays are wonderful because they are different from everyday life. That is why, when holidays are over and we are back in school, like now, we get a lot of pleasure out of speaking about them. Don't you think so?

Some boys and girls may say that the» holidays were too short, but let us hope that next summer they will be able to do everything they had no time for this summer.

IV. Пысықтау

Exercise . Read and answer the questions:

Did you come to school in summer? Why?

1. Did you work in the school garden (plot) or did you help to do something in the school building?

2. Did you work in summer to get money? What did you do?

3. Did you go to the country to see your grandparents?

4. How did you help them about the house, in the garden or plot?

5. Did you enjoy your stay there? Why?


Read, answer the questions and then discuss them:

What can help young people to enjoy their holidays? (Good organization of free-time activities; interesting hikes and trips; sightseeing; going in for sports; visiting friends; fine weather).

1. What is especially interesting about a trip to a new place in summer?

(Seeing other places; meeting interesting people; learn­ing new things about geography and history.)

VI. Үйге тапсырма

Retelling the text Тексерілді:

11 11 сынып November 6,11

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Birth of the moon

Сабақтың мақсаты: Birth of the moon тақырыбы бойынша

оқушылардың білімін бекіту

Оқушылардың білімге қуштарлығын


Ойлау, есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту

Сабақәдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: бекіту

Көрнекілігі: Грамматикалық таблица

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:

I. Ұйымдастыру

А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “Birth of the moon”.


Exercise10. a) Match the word in column A with its definition in column B.


a) moonstone, n 5) a milky-white stone, used in making cheap jewel

2. moon, n 1) the body which moves round the Earth once every 28 days, and can be seen rarely in the sky at night

3. moonlit, adj. 3) a beam of light from the moon

4. moonbeam, n 4) given light by the moon

5. to moon away, 2) to pass time in an aimless way v

6. b) Fill in the gaps with the words

1. He didn't realize how long he's been

2. Last night there was a full .

3. Don't worry. The lost ring is not of great value, its just a

He painted a picture of a valley.

4. I thought it was but I was mistaken - it was a line shining

out from a lamp post.

Exercise 12. Read the sentences. Which wish goes with which picture? Fill your answers in this table. Study the example.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1.1 wish I lived on a beautiful island.

2. If only you were not so talkative.

3.1 wish I could dance.

4. If only I had a driving license.

5.1 wish I had a big bar of chocolate.

6.1 wish you didn't quarrel much.

7. If only your room were not in a mess.

8.1 wish I could fly.

IV. Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 13 Тексерілді:

12 11 сынып October 12

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Sending cards

Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта

хат жазуды үйрету

Достыққа, жолдастыққа тәрбиелеу

Сөйлеу тілін дамыту

Сабақәдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі: Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:

I. Ұйымдастыру

А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “Sending cards”.

III.Жаңа сабақ

Exercise 1 Answer the question

Do you send Valentine cards?

Do you make them yourself or do you buy them?

Read the cards. For what occasions were they written?

Exercise 4. Read

Wish - a feeling of wanting, especially what at present is not possible Regret - unhappiness at the loss of something because something has or has not happened


Exercise 5. Read these sentences and write the letters in the correct column. Some are done
for you.

1. I wish I was young again.

2. I wish you were not so far away.

3. If only I had known you had a brother!

4. We wish you hadn't had that accident.

5. I wish I could be with you on your special day.

6. I wish it were summer now.

7. Nina wishes she hadn't bought Dick a motorbike,

8. My colleagues wish I was not quitting my job.

i) Doug wishes he hadn't hurt Ann's feelings,

j) Kids wish time passed quickly,

k) How I wish it were summer now.


VI. Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 6 Тексерілді:



13 11 сынып October 13, 18

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Sending cards

Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта

жаңа мәтінмен жумыс істеу

Достыққа, жолдастыққа тәрбиелеу

Сөйлеу тілін дамыту

Сабақәдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі: Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:

I. Ұйымдастыру

А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “Sending cards”.

III.Жаңа сабақ

Summer Holidays.

There are three months in summer: June, July and August.

June opens summer. Days are long, nights are short in June. There are many flowers in June and children like to pick up them in the forest. The first berries appear in the forests and gardens. Baby birds learn to fly. Children's holidays begin in June.

July is the second summer month. July gives different berries and vegetables. It's very" hot in July. Children go to swim in the river. They spend a lot of time with their friends. They play tennis, bad­minton, football. Some children go to summer camps.

August is the end of summer. At the beginning of this month the weather is warm and hot but at the end it is cool. Birds prepare to fly to the South.

August brings a lot of fruit berries and mushrooms. Children like to go to the forest to pick up mush­rooms and berries.

I like my summer holidays.

IV. Пысықтау


Comprehension check

Exercise true or false

June, July, September are summer month

Days are short, night are long in June

Children’s holidays begin in June.


VI. Үйге тапсырма

Retelling the text



14 11 сынып October 19

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Sending cards

Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта

хат жазуды үйрету

Достыққа, жолдастыққа тәрбиелеу

Сөйлеу тілін дамыту

Сабақәдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі: Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:

I. Ұйымдастыру

А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “Sending cards”.

III.Жаңа сабақ

Exercise 1 Answer the question

Do you send Valentine cards?

Do you make them yourself or do you buy them?

Read the cards. For what occasions were they written?

Exercise 4. Read

Wish - a feeling of wanting, especially what at present is not possible Regret - unhappiness at the loss of something because something has or has not happened


Exercise 5. Read these sentences and write the letters in the correct column. Some are done
for you.

9. I wish I was young again.

10. I wish you were not so far away.

11.If only I had known you had a brother!

12. We wish you hadn't had that accident.

13. I wish I could be with you on your special day.

14. I wish it were summer now.

15. Nina wishes she hadn't bought Dick a motorbike,

16. My colleagues wish I was not quitting my job.

i) Doug wishes he hadn't hurt Ann's feelings,

j) Kids wish time passed quickly,

k) How I wish it were summer now.


VI. Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 6 Тексерілді



11 сынып Date: 21.10.2013

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Preparing for control test

Сабақтың мақсаты: Өткен тақырыптар бойынша тест жұмысын жазу жазу арқылы оқушылардың білімін тексеру,есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Today in our lesson we shall the test

III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

1. Сын есімнің салыстырмалы шырайы дұрыс қолданылған сөйлем

1. She is the activest student in the class. 2. It is worser than that one

3. This exercise is difficult than the previous one

4. This play is an interesting as the one I saw yesterday

5. John is my the best friend

2. Есімдіктердің дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз

I asked her for …milk, but she didn’t have ….

a. some, any b. any, any c. some, some d. -, some e. any, some

3.Етістіктің инфинитив формасы бар сөйлем

a. they finished eating at ten b. Mary continued working at home

c. Peter asked it he could speak to him d. she advised me to go.

4. Сөйлемді толықтырыңыз:

a. is it b. it is c. – d. is e. it was

5. Present indefinite Tense-те тұрған сөйлем:

a. I’m meeting my brother tomorrow b. That coat belongs to me.

c. He’s flying back on Sunday d. She worked there for 20 years

6. Present Continuous-тегі етістік:

a. shall not come b. are talking c. were having d. has opened

7. Past indefinite Passive-тегі етістік сөйлем

a. My car was damaged last night. B. These televisions are made in Japan

c. Cheese is made from milk. D. Simon has painted the house

8. Present Simple-де көпше түрдегі етістік:

a. made b. goes c. Skate d. Sings e. Studied

9. Past Perfect Active-тегі етістік

a. had said b. Has gone c. have done d. had went e. has been doing

10. Антонимдер дұрыс берілген нұсқаны таңдаңыз:

a. younger-older b. colder-expensive c. better-best d. nearer- the nearest

11. Көмекші етістіктердің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

Astana … is a new city. There … any old buildings.

a. is are b. wasn’t aren’t c. isn’t are d. is aren’t e. are is

IV.Үйге тапсырмаережелерді Қайталау


16 11 сынып October 27, November 1

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Dictation

Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта

жаңа мәтінмен жумыс істеу

Достыққа, жолдастыққа тәрбиелеу

Сөйлеу тілін дамыту

Сабақәдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі: Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:

I. Ұйымдастыру

А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу


II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “Dictation”.

III.Жаңа сабақ

Мәтінмен жумыс

Carlson's Invention

When we think of inventions or developments that have improved the communication of information, most of us think of things such as the tele­phone, the radio, the telegraph, and the television. But there is one invention that has affected communication almost as much as those inventions that communicate voices and pictures. It is a invention that improved the communication of written or printed information. Can you guess what that invention is?

First, a clue to help you. Printing, or making copies of writing by machine, was invented in the 1400s, both in Korea and in Europe. Before that time, if people wanted copies of a written document, they had to write it out by them­selves or pay another writer to make the copy. Making copies was, therefore, very slow and very expensive, and it was always possible that the copy would not be a perfect one. It might have mistakes that made it different from the original.

After printing was invented, it became possible to make many copies of a written document, and every copy was the same. Written and printed infor­mation became very easily available. But the process of printing a document easily available.


III. Пысықтау


1. When was the invention described in the text invented?

2. What is one important use of the invention?


Exercise 2. Read the text again more slowly.

Exercise 3. Speak about

Problem» with copies of documents which existed before the photo­copy machine was developed.

1. The inventor of the photocopy machine.

2. The most frequently copied materials.

VI. Үйге тапсырма

Revision Тексерілді:

17 11 сынып November 2

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Revision lesson

Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта

жаңа мәтінмен жумыс істеу

Достыққа, жолдастыққа тәрбиелеу

Сөйлеу тілін дамыту

Сабақәдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі: Тақырыптық суреттер

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:

I. Ұйымдастыру

А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “Options”.

III.Жаңа сабақ

Мәтінмен жумыс істеу


Protection of Environment

1. Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of this life.2. For thousand of years people lived in harmony with environment. 3. But with the development of civilization man's interfer­ence with nature began to increase.

4. Large cities with thou­sands of smoky industrial enterprises appear ail over the world today. 5. They pol­lute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we live in. 6. Many cities suf­fer from smog. 7. Vast for­ests are cut and burnt in fire.

8. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up.

9. Environmental protec­tion is a universal concern. 10. That is why serious measures to create a system of ecological security should be taken.

11. Some progress has been already made in this direction. 12. As many as 159 countries – members ofthe UNO – have set up envi­ronmental protection agen­cies.

13. Numerous confer­ences have been held by these agencies to discuss questions of ecologically poor regions including the Aral Sea, Semipalatinsk . 14. An interna­tional environmental re­search centre has been set up on Lake Baikal. 15. The international organization Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the envi­ronment.

16. The Earth is our home. 17. We must take care of it for ourselves and next generations.

III. Пысықтау


Сурақ-жауап жумысы

What is the mean of the word “environment”

What do you say about pollution?

How do you understand the word “environmental protection?”

What do you say about Aral Sea, Semipalatinsk?


Write down the sentence in Present Simple

Write down the sentences in Past Simple?

Write down the sentences with modal verb.

VI. Үйге тапсырма

Retelling the text Тексерілді:



19 11 сынып

Сабақтыңтақырыбы: Caring for our world.

Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта

жаңа мәтінмен жумыс істеу

Табиғатты сүюге тәрбиелеу

Сөйлеу тілін дамыту

Сабақәдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі: грамматикалық таблица, карта

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі


Сабақ барысы:

I. Ұйымдастыру

А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “Caring for our world”.

III.Жаңа сабақ

Exercise 5 сөздік жумыс

Exercise 6 Read and find the new words given above in the text. Pay attention to their meanings.

I. The Aral Sea was the fourth largest lake in the world. The former sea
bed is now a salt desert. It was once the home to 24 species of fish. More and
more water is used for irrigations and this may cause a reduction of water
pouring into the Aral Sea. As the result of the shrinkage of the Sea a lot of
fishermen lost their jobs.

II. The dying Aral Sea is one of the world's environmental disasters. The
environment around the lake and health of the people have been damaged.
The Sea has changed the climate of the region greatly. The fertile soil is
covered by the salt blown from the dry sea-bed. The air contains salt, dust

and pollutants blown from the sea-bed. The air pollution and water pollution
cause serious health problems. A lot of people suffer from different serious

III. Several international organizations including UNDP are now

hel­ping the Government of Kazakhstan to solve the problem of the dying
Aral Sea.


Exercise 1 Brainstorming. Talk to your partner

Have you ever been to the Aral Sea?

Have you ever heard about the Aral Sea?

Where is it located?

What sea is it now?

What's the problem of the Aral region?

Is the problem of the Aral Sea only the problem of Kazakhstan?

2. Let's give as many adjectives as possible which characterize the Aral Sea Example:


Reading comprehension. Talk to your partner/class/ in groups of 3 or 4.

Exercise 6

III. Оқушылардың білімдерін жан-жақты тексеру

Топикпен жумыс

IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “Caring for our world”.

V.Жаңа сабақ

Read the text

Ecology Is a Great Problem

The earth is our home. We must take care of it for ourselves and for the future generations.

The importance 2 of this task is great as scientists who study the relation3 of man to nature say. Thesescientists are called "ecologists", from the Greek word "oikos", which means home. Ecologists are trying to keep the land, air and water clean.

Why must we keep our earth clean?

We have only a certain amount 4 of fresh water and clean air and we must take care of it. If we don't stop air and water pollutions 5, trees and flowers won't grow, fish will die in dirty water. We will have to breathe 6 dirty air.

Of course, people are working to make the earth cleaner, but they must do more. What can people do to make earth cleaner? Factories must stop polluting 7 air, rivers and lakes with waste products8and chemicals. They must work on it more. Lakes and rivers must be cleaned and kept clean.

Environmental problems concern everyone. We should remember that everyone can do something to solve them. We all want to live in a clean world.



Find out from the text sentences in Present Simple

Find out the sentences in Past Simple

Find out the sentences from the text in Present Perfect

VI. Үйге тапсырма

Retelling the text Тексерілді:



21 11 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Caring for our world.

Сабақтың мақсаты: Caring for our world. тақырыбы бойынша

оқушылардың білімдерін бекіту

Экологиялық тәрбие беру

Сөйлеу тілін дамыту

Сабақәдісі: Сұрақ-жауап, әңгімі

Сабақ типі: бекіту

Көрнекілігі: грамматикалық таблица, карта

Пән аралық байланыс: орыс тілі

Сабақ барысы:

I. Ұйымдастыру

А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “Caring for our world”.

III. Бекіту


Today the human population is so large that the effects of people on the environment can be very powerful. Natural environment actually has been damaged or even completely destroyed by human activity.

20. Write down all the ideas that come to your mind about the different ways of damaging or destroying the natural environment. How do people damage it and destroy it?

21. Make a list of all different ways of damaging or destroying the environment. What do you think of it?

22. Compare your list with your partners first, then read your classmates' ideas

(Have a gallery walk- which means you hang your sheets of paper with the ideas on the board, walls, door and walk and read them all, if you find some interesting ideas borrow them: if you find some ideas to which you don't agree leave a note on that sheet of paper saying: "Excuse me, I don't quite agree to this idea and sign your name. When you all take down the sheets you may discuss them as a class or in groups of 6/4.

Retelling the text

III. Оқушылардың білімдерін жан-жақты тексеру

Топикпен жумыс

IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “The Environment”.

V.Жаңа сабақ

Environmental Principles

Britain is introducing a system of integrated pollution control (IPC). Re­leases to air, land and water from the most harmful processes will be con­trolled. Although IPC will control releases at home, higher standards will ben­efit countries abroad in the case of those emissions which can travel long distances. For example, discharges into rivers will eventually reach the sea, and so Britain's efforts to keep its inland waters clean will benefit the marine environment widely. Likewise, atmospheric pollution from coal-burning power stations can be deposited a long way away, and so tighter control will benefit Britain's neighbours.


5. Now check the dictionary to see if the meathe key)

6. Match the words in two columns that are most closely related to and practise the pronunciation.

1. inherit 1. improvement

2. preserve 2. beneficial

3. improve 3. atmospheric

4. benefit 4. inheritance

5. atmosphere 5. preservation

7. Mark the Parts of Speech of the following words:

1. inherit 6. inheritance

2. preserve 7. preservation

3. atmosphere 8. atmospheric

4. improve 9. improvement

5. benefit 10. beneficial


Exercise 9. Read the text and find the most important problems of cleaning up the environment. (If there are new words see the key).

Exercise 10. Comprehension check

VI. Үйге тапсырма

Retelling the text Тексерілді:

23 11 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Caring for our world (II)

Сабақтың мақсаты: Caring for our world (II) тақырыбы

бойынша оқушылардың білімін бекіту,

жаттығу, жумыстарын жүргізу

Экологиялық тәрбие беру

Сөйлеу ті

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