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Охорона Праці

Тема 22 Види вимірювань в хімії. Метрична система.

Мета: формувати комунікативні здібності студентів, розвивати навички говоріння, письма, читання.

Обладнання: малюнки до теми, роздруківки текстів для читання та завдань, словники.

План заняття

І Організаційний момент. Привітання

The Measurements in Chemistry


Ex. 1 Прочитайте речення швидко

1. We studied the measurements in chemistry. 2. This is the one type of measurement. 3. The microscope is an instrument for making very small objects look larger. 4. The fundamental unit of the metric system is the metre.

Ex. 2 Вставте"to have to", "to be to", "must"

1. The experiment , . . take place on Monday, I think everything is ready. 2. They . . . examine this sample under a very powerful microscope as it is very small. 3. I am very tired, I ... have a rest. 4. Our meeting . . . take place after our last lecture. 5. You . . . work hard if you want to finish this work. 6. I ... go to the reading-room as I have no books at home. 7. He ... wait for two hours as his train has just left. 8. All the students of our Institute . . . carry out a number of experiments in analytical laboratory.

Ex. 3. Вставте" "can", "could", "to be able to";

1. If you come earlier, I . . . help you. 2. This solution,.,. be evaporated now. 3. Yesterday he ... finish his experiment, I think he ... do it today. 4. As he was very busy he, . . attend the lecture.


Ex. 4 Перекладіть речення.


1. Since we know all the properties of the substance, we can use it in our experiment. 2. Many interesting investigations have been done since the foundation of this research laboratory at our plant. 3. Helium belongs to the same group as argon since it does not combine with other elements. 4. I have not carried out any experiments in the laboratory sinceI graduated from the Institute. 5. We couldn't finish our work since we had no necessary devices. 6. Since the kinetics of the reaction was studied at room temperature, the results were good. 7. This element has been known since the 19th century.

Ex. 5 Перекладіть речення.

I. D. I. Mendeleyev arranged the elements in the order of increasing atomic weights. 2. In order to be used in a chemi­cal laboratory natural water must be purified. 3. The order was announced at the meeting. 4. In order to dissolve this sub­stance one must heat it. 5. The students must put everything in order when they finish their work. 6. In order to study the relationship between microstructural and mechanical prop­erties of the gel, it is very important to use pure stable gels


. Ex. 6 Перекладіть слова

close relationship, exact measurement, quantitative analysis, necessary method, the order of arrangement

Перекладіть текст .


In order to understand the quantitative relationships which exist between various kinds of matter, the chemist who is interested in matter and the changes which it undergoes, has to measure the quantities of matter with which he works, that is since mass is the measure of the quantity of matter, he is to measure mass. The measuring device the chemist is to employ in this determination should be the balance.

Since for every chemical change there is always accompanying energy change which the chemist has to take into account, the calorimeter and the thermometer have to be used.

The chemist usually employs graduated cylinders, burettes, pipettes and volumetric flasks for the measurements of volumes of liquids, and the gas burette for the measurement of volumes of gases.

The chemist employs the barometer if he has to measure the pressure.

The analytical chemist and the physical chemist employsuch devices as calorimeters, polarimeters, refractometers and a number of electrical devices.

If the chemist is to examine very small samples of matter, he should use a microscope. The microscope is an instrument which by the combination of lenses permits man to see objects which are too small to be seen with a naked eye. It is an instru­ment which is useful in many sciences and which, although more frequently used in a qualitative way, can also be used quantitatively.

The Metric System

The fundamental unit of the metric system is the metre. The millimetre and centimetre are the units which the chemist uses very frequently in his work.

If one is to measure extremely short distances, the micron is to be used.

The unit of mass is the gram, milligram or the kilogram.

The unit of the heat measurement is the calorie


Ex.7 : Дайте відповіді на питання

Model: What is the crucible used for? It is used for heating.

1. What is the thermometer used for? 2. What is the balance used for? 3. What is the calorimeter used for? 4. What is the microscope used for?

Ex. 8 Дайте відповіді на питання

1. What relationship exists between various kinds of matter? 2. What is the chemist to do if he wants to understand the quantitative relationships between various kinds of matter? 3. What does the chemist use balances for? 4. When does the chemist use a calorimeter and thermometer? 5. What is it necessary to use in order to measure volumes? 6. What devices do the analytical and physical chemists use? 7. What device does the chemist use if he wants to examine very small samples of matter? 8. What is the fundamental unit of the metric system? 9. When can the micron be used? 10. What is the unit of volume? 11. What is the unit of the heat measurement?


Домашнє завдання : вивчити нові слова з тексту “ THE MEASUREMENTS IN CHEMISTRY



Тема 23 Термометри. Ваги.

Мета: удосконалювати навички студентів правильно використовувати нову професійну лексику; розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати культуру мовлення.

Обладнання: малюнки до теми, роздруківки текстів для читання та завдань, словники.

План заняття

І Організаційний момент. Привітання

Перекладіть речення.

1, They had to use balances in their work. 2. He was to determine the relationships between these two substances. 3. You should take into account all the results of your first experimental work. 4. In order to determine the definite weight some of the samples have to be examined 5. Students should know that barometers can be of two types, that is (i.e.) mercurial and aneroid. 6. The quantity of the sample is to be measured before the experiment. 7. Various instruments are to be employed if chemists want to get necessary results. 8. Some balances are much more sensitive than others and chemists should take this fact into account. 9. Students have to know the metric system. 10. When a chemist finishes his work he is to put the analytical balance into a special glass box. 11. For a number of reasons, mercury is to be used in barometers. 12. Everything has to be put in order when you finish your experiments in the laboratory. 13. The industry spread to areas where coal had to be used.

Ex. 10 Знайдіть синоніми.

matter, various, main, quantity, often, different, use, amount, employ, frequently, substance, fundamental

Ex.11Відкрийте дужки, підбираючи необхідне слово

1. (A balance, a calorimeter, a thermometer) is a device which determines the quantity, but not the quality of heat in a body. 2. If a chemist determines mass, he is to employ (a flask, a thermometer, a balance). 3. (A calorimeter, a flask, a microscope) is used if a chemist must examine small samples of matter. 4. For the measurement of volumes of gases a chem­ist uses (burettes, pipettes, gas burettes). 5. The unit of (volume, mass) in the metric system is the gram. 6. On (the Centigrade scale, the Fahrenheit scale) the freezing point of water is 0°. 7. If a chemist must measure extremely short dis­tances, (the centimetre, the micron) is to be used

Ex. 12Прочитайте, перекладіть текст.


A thermometer is a device which is used to determine the temperature of a body. Two bodies of unequal size may have the same temperature; the bigger contains more heat, but the quality of the heat in each is the same. Thermometers take many forms, the commonest of which is the mercury-bulb variety.

There are two scales—Centigrade and Fahrenheit.

On the Fahrenheit scale the freezing point of water is marked as 32° and the boiling point of water as 212°. On the Centigrade scale the freezing point of water is called 0° and its boiling point 100° (see Fig. 5). Thus, 130 divisions on the Fahrenheit scale are equal to 100 divisions on the Centigrade scale,

and 1°F=5/9°C.

If the chemist wants to convert temperatures from one scale to the other, the following formulas are to be used:

C = 5/9(F — 32) and F-9/5C + 32


Ex. 13. Прочитайте, перекладіть текст. Дайте відповіді на питання.

The Balance

If the chemist is to determine mass, he should use a balance. The balance is an instrument which is used when it is necessary to compare known masses with unknown masses Some balances are much more sensitive than others, that is, some can detect smaller differences in mass than others. This sensitivity depends upon several factors. In the first place, the sensitivity increases as the length of the beam increases, and secondly, the sensitivity increases as the mass of the object on the pan increases. Thirdly, the sensitivity increases as the weight of the beam decreases.

In the average chemical laboratory there are usually three types of balances. The analytical balance is the most sensitive. It is kept in a glass case, in a special balance room, where the temperature is constant. Hot or cold objects shouldn't be placed on such a balance and the glass case should be closed.

1. When is the chemist to use a balance?

2. What is a balance?

3. Which balance is the most sensitive?

4. Where is the analytical balance to be kept?


Ex. 14 Прочитайте, перекладіть текст

Very often a chemist has to measure volumes of liquids. The commonest instrument is the graduated cylinder. On the side of it one can see scratches. They correspond to millilitres. The cylinder has a lip so that its contents may be poured easi­ly into another container.

The volumetric flask is used for the preparation .of solutions.

The burette and the pipette are used in quantitative analysis and other quantitative work. The burette is a glass tube, open at the top end. The pipette has a scratch on the neck. This scratch is the mark to which it can be filled.


Ex. 15. Прочитайте, перекладіть текст


The chemical industry needs instruments for accurate measuring. Good measuring instruments are able to give rapid results. Without modern instrumentation chemical processes were often controlled by a human operator who had to decide what needed to be done, It was rather difficult to do. The results had often to be checked thoroughly. There are many different kinds of measuring instruments and -there is much information about the instruments which are to be used in chemical plants. The purpose of all measuring devices is to control a chemical reaction. In a process controlled by a human operator, the temperature, for example, can be read from a thermometer. The operator is to decide whether the temperature is all right. Then he has to make some measurements. In the automated system, some mechanical or electrical device must replace the human operator to decide whether a process correction is needed and, if so the extent of the necessary correction.



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