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Reasons why I’m ditching Android for an iPhone


Upgrading the Android OS depends on the phone’s model and manufacturer.IPhone owners have at least some promise of upgrades for iOS, though, admittedly as iPhones get older it is understandable there won’t be further upgrades for earlier generations. The lack of an Android OS upgrade for your phone means you won’t be able to download certain Android Market applications because they don’t support earlier versions of the operating system. So, once your manufacturer decides they’re done, so are you when it comes to getting certain Android apps.

Lack of standard DRM solution.Netflix has been offered for iPhone for some time now. So, many have been wondering why a Netflix client for Android hasn’t come along yet. The simple answer has been that there is no standard implementation in Android to handle digital rights management (DRM) which would allow Netflix to stream movies and television shows with the confidence that they won’t somehow be copied. Netflix is contractually obligated to secure its streams with DRM by content providers. The best Netflix could offer was that some Android phones would get a Netflix client this year, but that was going to depend on the manufacturer.

iPhone offers better OS stability.The iPhone shares the same benefit as the Mac in that Apple produces both the OS and the hardware. I feel I shouldn’t have to deal with reboots and lock-ups on my mobile phone, especially if I might need it in an emergency situation. Undoubtedly, since Android must work on a number of hardware configurations your OS experience is going to be tied to the phone you purchase. I’d prefer a safer bet in which the creator of the OS and the hardware is the same company.

The iPhone gets applications first.As an Android user I am sick and tired of playing second fiddle to the iPhone. It seems the iPhone is always getting applications before they eventually end up on Android OS. There’s a simple reason for this that I previously alluded to. When creating applications for the iPhone developers know that there are a limited number of hardware configurations they have to consider. When it comes to Android there are countless configurations which could interfere with the performance of the app.

The iPhone leads and everyone follows.Besides being first to receive apps, the iPhone also seems to lead the way when it comes to functionality for smartphones. The iPhone 4, for example, was launched with dual cameras to allow for the use of FaceTime video conferencing app. It wasn’t the first phone to do this, but it made video calling something people expect from a phone and something people actually use. The iPhone 4 also brought things like a high pixel density display and HDR images.

While the iPhone isn’t always the first to put out features or technology, it’s often the first to do things well and device that everyone else has to catch up with.



Women and IT

8th March is the International Womens Day. This made me think about the role of women in IT Service Management, and IT generally.

I started working in IT over 25 years ago, when IT departments were overwhelmingly male and the role of the women was more involved with administration of the rota, and maintenance of the coffee supplies than administration of the systems and maintenance of the equipment. It is time to stop thinking about Men vs Women and consider who the right person for the job is, and take a view of true equality. So how do we decide who is the right person for the job? Personality traits do matter – you need a detail person for the roles in Service Asset and Configuration Management, is this gender specific? Empathy and a broad spectrum approach to knowledge are required by Service Desk staff, is this gender specific? Should gender be a consideration?

I have no answers to the issue of fewer women than men in the IT arena. But it is true there are fewer women than men. The percentage of women project managers is under 30%.

The number of women in IT has increased in my career, the recognition of the ability of women to carry out any role in IT has improved. The question of whether or not women want to be in the IT industry has become less of an issue, as ‘everyone is in IT' these days! Its hard to avoid it. I meet CIOs who are women, I meet Senior IT managers who are women and I meet Service Desk analysts who are women.

The percentages of women in IT reached a peak in the late nineties, but are now decreasing. Research has yet to identify why this drop is happening, but there are many studies which look at the impact of IT education in schools. Is it still the perception that women will make themselves unavailable by having a family? Our governments are addressing the issues of parental leave, so that equality of child care is recognised as the responsibility of both men and women.

The question I want to ask is what impact does it have on our IT departments that there are fewer women than men? Does the old style combative approach to silos within IT, first line battling with second line, second line battling with third, and all brought together against the project teams, does this approach come from excessive testosterone? Would we be more inclusive with a higher level of oestrogen in our teams?

Its an interesting debate, and I find it impossible to tackle in an article. But I throw the question out to you all – no doubt a majority male readership – are our workplaces better or worse for the exclusion of women?

A final thought – that shakes me a little – a while ago the cry went out from the ITSM Portal publication for more women columnists – am I there as a result of positive discrimination after all?


What Is Social Networking?

Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighborhood subdivision, if you will. Although social networking is possible in person, especially in the workplace, universities, and high schools, it is most popular online. This is because unlike most high schools, colleges, or workplaces, the internet is filled with millions of individuals who are looking to meet other people, to gather and share first-hand information and experiences about cooking, golfing, gardening, developing friendships or professional alliances. The topics and interests are as varied and rich as the story of our world.

When it comes to online social networking, websites are commonly used. These websites are known as social sites. Social networking websites function like an online community of internet users. Depending on the website in question, many of these online community members share common interests in hobbies, religion, or politics. Once you are granted access to a social networking website you can begin to socialize. This socialization may include reading the profile pages of other members and possibly even contacting them.

The friends that you can make are just one of the many benefits to social networking online. Another one of those benefits includes diversity because the internet gives individuals from all around the world access to social networking sites. This means that although you are in the United States, you could develop an online friendship with someone in Denmark or India. Not only will you make new friends, but you just might learn a thing or two about new cultures or new languages and learning is always a good thing.

As mentioned, social networking often involves grouping specific individuals or organizations together. While there are a number of social networking websites that focus on particular interests, there are others that do not. The websites without a main focus are often referred to as "traditional" social networking websites and usually have open memberships. This means that anyone can become a member, no matter what their hobbies, beliefs, or views are. However, once you are inside this online community, you can begin to create your own network of friends and eliminate members that do not share common interests or goals.

The most prevalent danger though often involves online predators or individuals who claim to be someone that they are not. Although danger does exist with networking online, it also exists in the real world, too. Just like you're advised when meeting strangers at clubs and bars, school, or work -- you are also advised to proceed with caution online.

By being aware of your cyber-surroundings and who you are talking to, you should be able to safely enjoy social networking online. Once you are well informed and comfortable with your findings, you can begin your search from hundreds of networking communities to join. This can easily be done by performing a standard internet search. Your search will likely return a number of the results, including MySpace, FriendWise, FriendFinder, Yahoo! 360, Facebook, Orkut, and Classmates.



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