Військова наука
Охорона Праці

Ex.3 Put the words in the correct order to make up questions and answer them.

1. the USA, does, among, rank, how, other, of the world, countries, population, in, and, area?

2. the country’s, anthem, is, national, what?

3. people, many, live, the USA, how, in?

4. are, the, natural, the, country’s, what, resources?

5. lowest, the, in the, United, where, States, is, land?

6. some, are, leading, products, farm, what, for?

7. major, what, in, the, are, religious, the, United, are, States?

8. the U.S., federal, monarchy, a, republic, or, is, a?

9. states, how, does, the US, consist, many, of?


Ex.4 Agree or disagree:

1. The USA is the fifth largest country in the world in population and the tenth largest in area.

2. The USA has scarce natural resources.

3. The USA is one of the world’s most highly developed and productive nations.

4. The USA consists of 49 states and the District of Columbia.

5. American people enjoy one of the world’s highest standards of living.

6. The District of Columbia is a piece of land set aside by the president for the nation’s capital.

7. The capital of the United States is New York.

8. The United States has a totalitarian system of government.

9. The powers of the states are limited by the national government.

10. Chicago is the largest population centre of the USA.

Ex.5 Translate into English:

1. Він наполягав на тому, щоб його справу передали до арбітражного суду.

2. Відомо, що суд – це установа, запроваджена урядом, щоб вирішувати спори.

3. Малоймовірно, щоб він дістав покарання.

4. Виявляється, суд присяжних вирішує, що відповідач порушив права позивача.

5. Право, яке засноване на судовій практиці, вважається прецедентним правом.


Ex.6 Correct the mistakes:

1. The meat I had for dinner last night wasn’t seem be good.

2. The river is not to considered to be safe for swimming.

3. She is supposed be very kind.

4. He is appeared to be a very unpleasant person.

5. Jane was seen enter her office.

6. They are not sured to leave in a week.

7. Sara is seemed to be working in her room now.

8. Yesterday it appeared the papers not to be signed.

9. His paintings are said to be known all over the world.


Ex.7Translate the text into English:

У 1787 році Джеймсу Мейсону було 36 років. Він навчався у Принстоні (Princeton), пізніше був обраний представником у Континентальний конгрес. Томас Джеферсон вислав йому з Парижа більше двохсот книг з історії керівництва держави. Після того як Мейсон ретельно вивчив їх, він виклав свої висновки в роботі «Недоліки політичної системи Сполучених Штатів» («Vices of the Political System of the United Ststes»). Мейсон вважав, що державне керування буде ефективним лише в тому випадку, коли урядовці будуть змушені враховувати інтереси різних соціальних груп.

Джеймс Мейсон був пізніше обраний президентом та займав посаду глави держави з 1809 до 1817 року.

Unit 30

Topic for discussion: The US Government

Grammar: Complex Object

Ex.1 Read and translate the following words into Ukrainian. Make the sentences of your own.

executive,adj legislative,adj supreme,adj judicial,adj

unitary,adj concurrent,adj authority,n security,n

foreign,adj repeal,v levy,v appropriate,v

approval,n official,n campaign,n


Ex.2 Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian:


The government of the United States represents, serves, and protects the American people at home and in foreign countries. From the nation's capital in Washington, D.C, the U.S. government's activities and influence reach every part of the world.

The three branches of the United States government - executive, legislative, and judicial - are usually represented by the President, Congress, and the Supreme Court. Generally speaking, the President enforces the laws that Congress passes and the Supreme Court interprets these laws if any question arises.

The United States government shares governmental powers with the states under the federal system established by the United States Constitution. The national governments of most other countries are unitary (centralized). They have final authority in all matters, and grant only limited powers to state and local government. Government in the United States operates on three levels: national, state, and local. The federal government in Washington cannot abolish the states or rearrange their boundaries. It can exercise only powers that are delegated or implied by the Constitution. The states execute powers reserved to them or not denied them by the Constitution. In some areas, the federal and state governments have concurrent powers. That is, they both have the right to exercise authority.

The American judicial system keeps the federal and state governments within their proper fields of power.

The United States government makes and enforces laws, collects taxes, provides services for the people, protects individuals and their property, and works for national and international security. But it is noted for the way it encourages the people to take part in government, seeks to protect the rights of the people from the government itself, and assures the self-government of the states.

The executive branch

The executive branch of the United States government consists of the Executive Office of the President, the executive departments, and the Independent Agencies.

The President of the United States is the nation's chief executive and head of state. The President lives in the White House in Washington, D.C, and has offices there.

As chief executive, the President has the responsibility of enforcing federal laws and appointing and removing high federal officials. The President commands the armed

forces, conducts foreign affairs, and recommends laws to Congress. The President also appoints American representatives to international organizations and to diplomatic missions in other lands. As chief of state, the President performs many ceremonial duties. Elected by the people to hold office for a four-year term, the President cannot be elected to more than two terms.

The legislative branch

The legislative branch of the United States government includes Congress, which consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Congress makes, repeals, and amends federal laws. It also levies federal taxes and appropriates funds for the government.

The Senate has 100 members. Each state, regardless of size or population, has two senators, who serve six-year terms. The vice-President of the United States presides over the Senate. The Senate has certain exclusive powers. It alone can sit as a court of impeachment to try federal officials impeached by the House of Representatives. It alone has the power to approve the President's nominations for major federal offices. Any treaty made by the United States is a subject to the Senate's approval.

The House of Representatives consists of 435 members. A state's representation is based on population. The number of representatives changes as population changes. Only the House can bring charges of impeachment against high federal officials. It alone can initiate tax bills.

The judicial branch

The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest court in the land. It has a chief justice and eight associate justices. The President appoints all justices with the approval of the Senate. The justices hold office for life.

About 95 federal district courts are located in various cities. Above the district courts are 13 federal courts of appeals, often called Circuit courts. Above the courts of appeals is the Supreme Court. Decisions of a district court may be appealed to an appeals court, and from the appeals court to the Supreme Court. Federal courts decide cases that involve the Constitution and federal laws. Judges of these courts hold office for life. The President appoints them with the approval of the Senate.

The American people have a strong voice in their government. They can exercise their democratic rights by voting in national, state, and local elections, and by working in political parties and campaigns.

The two-party system. The United States has two major political parties, the Democratic and the Republican. Members of these two parties hold almost all the offices in the national, state, and local governments.

Minor political parties of the United States rarely elect candidates to government offices. They serve chiefly to rail attention to problems that the major parties may have neglected. Often, one or both of the major parties may then attempt to solve such a problem. Then the third party, which brought attention to the problem, may disappear.

National elections to elect a President and vice-President are held every four years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. All members of the House of Representatives and about one-third of the members of the Senate are

elected at the same time. Between the Presidential elections, all of the representatives and another one-third of the senators are elected. This election is held on the same day in November in even-numbered years.

Federal and state laws regulate elections and the qualifications of voters. Most states hold primary elections in which party members nominate candidates for state and local offices. Some states use primary elections to nominate candidates for Congress. National political conventions nominate candidates for President and vice-President.

The President is not elected directly by the people. At Presidential elections, voters cast their votes for electors. The electors make up the Electoral College, which officially elects the President.

Each state has as many electors as the total of its senators and representatives in Congress. The District of Columbia has three electors. The candidate who receives the highest number of a state's popular votes usually receives all that state's electoral votes. A candidate for President must receive a majority of the electoral votes to become President; however, a candidate may be elected President without having received a majority of the popular vote.

3. Match the words with their Ukrainian equivalents:

To interpret laws Верховний Суд

To serve the people обкладати податками

Supreme Court втілювати закони

To enforce laws межі повноважень

To collect taxes здійснювати владу

To execute powers служити народу

To exercise authority збирати податки

Fields of power виконувати повноваження

To levy taxes тлумачити закони

Ex.4 Answer the questions:

1. How does the USA Government differ from most other national governments?

2. What are the three branches of the USA government?

3. What are two exclusive powers of the House of Representatives?

4. Who enforces the laws that Congress passes?

5. What body interprets the laws if the necessity arise?

6. How many levels of government operation are there in the USA?

7. What powers does the federal government exercise?

8. What are the powers of the states?

9. What bodies exercise concurrent powers?

10. What are the duties of the President?

11. Where are federal laws made, repealed and amended?

12. How many members are there in the Senate and the House of Representatives?

13. How are the justices of the Supreme Court appointed?

14. What other courts besides the Supreme Court are there in the US judicial branch?

15. How would you characterize the US party-system?

16. How often are national elections held?


Ex. 5 Retell the text according the outline:

1. The executive branch.

2. The legislative branch.

3. The judicial branch.

4. Political Parties and elections.


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